1.0 Aikidoka Around the World
It is time for me to head off again soon. I'll be heading to Thailand for holiday combined with training. Along the way, I hope to be stopping by at the dojo of Fukakusa shihan in Bangkok and hopefully the Thai Aikikai shihan will be present at the time to give the training.
In addition to that I'll be heading to Japan in the golden week where on the weekend of the 4th and 5th of May, a special seminar with Yamashima sensei will take place.
3 days later ...
As I write now, I already had two evenings of very hot practice with Fukakusa shihan at the Renbukan dojo in Bangkok in a temparature of 35 celcius and no airco! This is the result (see below, a sweaty photo and a well deserved drink after!). It was also a pleasant surprise to meet Kris from Poland who used to practice in The Hague a while back.
3 days later ...
As I write now, I already had two evenings of very hot practice with Fukakusa shihan at the Renbukan dojo in Bangkok in a temparature of 35 celcius and no airco! This is the result (see below, a sweaty photo and a well deserved drink after!). It was also a pleasant surprise to meet Kris from Poland who used to practice in The Hague a while back.

3. An Aikido seminar with Shimamoto Katsuyuki Shihan 8th Dan Aikikai (in Israel)
Shimamoto Shihan (8th Dan Aikikai)
Seminar in Israel
May 31, June 1,2,3 2013
Dear friends,
I received a happy message from Shimamoto Shihan about his seminar in Israel.
Shimamoto Shihan 8th Dan Aikikai (75 years old) is the head of Shosenji Dojo in Toyonaka - Osaka, and the head priest of Shosenji Zen Temple.
He was a direct student of the founder of Aikido Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei, and one of the closest disciples of the late Kissaburo Osawa Sensei.
The dates for the seminar are:
May 30th 2013 until June 3rd.
The dates might change a little according to Shihan's flights schedule, but I am almost sure that on May 31, and June 1,2,3 we will be practicing aikido. Hopefully, on June 4th, 5th we will travel together to the north of Israel.
Seminar Location: Masatake Dojo, Rehovot, Israel (gym hall of weizmann elementary school):
Here are three optional hotel web sites for early reservations:
1. Leonardo Hotel Rehovot: The hotel where Shihan and Mama San will be staying is Leonardo hotel. It is 20 minutes walk from the city center, and about 35 minutes walk from the dojo:
2. Casa De Vital: A simple and small hotel in the center of our town - about 10 minutes walk from the dojo:
3. Hapina Shel Michal (in Mazkeret Batya): A hotel in a small town next my city - about 10-15 minutes by car from the dojo (a taxi would cost about 10 Euro from the hotel to the dojo or our city center):
I recommend making early hotel reservations.
Hoping very much to see you with us.
I will be happy and grateful if you forward this information to your aikido contacts.
Ze'ev Erlich