1. Aiki-BBQs and more!
A number of BBQs and similar events took place recently to mark the end of the season and some local Aikido achievements.
BBQ in Meppen, Germany

Hungry Aikidokas waiting for their food.
Leisinger Sensei, 6th dan Aikikai, celebrated his yearly end of season BBQ on Saturday the 19th of June in the German town of Meppen, on the border of Holland and Germany. The event began with a bokken and jo class on the rainy wet grass field by the wooden hut where the BBQ was to take place. Despite the damp conditions, the participants were in high spirits and the food was enjoyed together with musical accompaniment of the guitar talents amongst the group.
The next day, Leisinger Sensei and his wife provided me with a visit to the swamp museum (as a consequence of the turf museum being closed) where we were informed of the historical significance of the turf resources that provided massive economic abundance to this area of Germany.

Inside the moor museum.

With Leisinger Sensei and His wife after a tour of the Moor Museum, Gross Hesepe (near Meppen).
BBQ in Dordrecht (Celebrating 30+ years of Aikido with Ernesto Ladavas, 5th dan Aikikai)

Marcel Reijers Preparing the BBQ in Dordrecht
Ernesto Ladavas sensei, 5th dan Aikikai, celebrated more than 30 years of Aikido with a class and BBQ on Saturday the 26th of June at the Waraku dojo in Dordrecht, Holland. During the lesson, some new learning points were raised and the class was enjoyed by Aikidokas of all levels. The BBQ was well organised and the DJ music enhanced the fun atmosphere.

Presenting Ladavas Sensei with a Photo Souvenier for
30+ years of Aikido.
Hagukumi Kyu Exam and End of Season

Candidates Perform their Kyu examination at the Hagukumi dojo.
Also on the 26th of June, The Hagukumi dojo marked the end of the season with a kyu exam and a small buffet feast. Presents and thanks were handed out to the ones who deserved recognition for their efforts and a speech was made by Paul Jungschlager about the progress of the dojo which gave a moment of reflection about the changes one year on after moving into the new location.
2. Three 4th dan Candidates for Summer School
The next summer school taking place in Castricum, Holland (10th to 15th of July) will see three CABN members present themselves for 4th dan Aikikai. On Sunday the 27th of June, Rob Boogaard, Silvia Marton and Lawrence Warry passed their national preparation exam with some strong words of advice from the grading committee. The challenge ahead is as much a mental challenge as well as a physical challenge for the three candidates as the visiting hombu shihan, Mori shihan, 6th dan Aikikai, will be supervising the 4th dan exams for the first time and the candidates will have to be ready for anything.
2. Three 4th dan Candidates for Summer School
The next summer school taking place in Castricum, Holland (10th to 15th of July) will see three CABN members present themselves for 4th dan Aikikai. On Sunday the 27th of June, Rob Boogaard, Silvia Marton and Lawrence Warry passed their national preparation exam with some strong words of advice from the grading committee. The challenge ahead is as much a mental challenge as well as a physical challenge for the three candidates as the visiting hombu shihan, Mori shihan, 6th dan Aikikai, will be supervising the 4th dan exams for the first time and the candidates will have to be ready for anything.
During their preparation training, some candidates made a weekly journey to the Waraku dojo in Dordrecht for training with Ladavas Sensei.

Left to right: Rob Boogaard, Lawrence Warry, Ernesto Ladavas, Peter van Oosterhout.
3. CABN Summer School
As already mentioned in previous newsletter issues, the CABN summer school takes place at de Bloemen Sports Centre, Castricum, Holland under the supervision of Mori Shihan, 6th dan Aikikai assisted by Leisinger sensei, 6th dan Aikikai, Ladavas sensei, 5th dan Aikikai and Braat sensei, 5th dan Aikikai.
With this year's summer school, we shall introduce a children's aikido day on Sunday the 11th of July. All Aiki-kids are welcome to join. For more information about the children's aikido day, please send an email to kinderstage@aikido-cabn.nl.
Adults Summer School Programme:
Saturday, July 10, 2010
9.30 - 10.15 register
10.30 - 12.00 Shihan Mori
12.10 - 13.10 Leisinger Sensei
15.30 - 17.00 Shihan Mori
19.30 - 24.00 Buffet Party
Sunday, July 11 2010 children
9.00 - 9.30 meditation / stretching - 9.30 Reception
10.00 - 11.30 Shihan Mori
10.30-11.15 weapons training, Leisinger Sensei
11.40 - 12.40 Robert vd Bosch
11.45-12.45 Lunch
13.00 - 14.30 Workshop conducted by Marcel Reyers
12.45-13.30 Ladavas sensei
13.45-14.45 Shihan Mori
15.00 - 16.30 Shihan Mori
16.40 - 17.40 Ladavas sensei
Monday, July 12, 2010
9.00 - 9.30 meditation / stretching -
10.00 - 11.30 Shihan Mori
11.40 - 12.40 Leisinger Sensei
15.00 - 16.30 Shihan Mori
16.40 - 17.40 Braat sensei
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
9.00 - 9.30 meditation / stretching -
10.00 - 11.30 Shihan Mori
11.40 - 12.40 Leisinger Sensei
15.00 - 16.00 Braat sensei
16.10 - 17.10 Ladavas sensei
20.00 - 21.30 Think tank workshop with Shihan Mori Sensei and Ladavas
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
9.00 - 9.30 meditation / stretching -
10.00 - 11.30 Shihan Mori
11.40 - 12.40 Leisinger Sensei
15.00 - 16.30 Shihan Mori
16.40 - 17.40 Ladavas sensei
Thursday, July 15, 2010
9.00 -? Shihan Mori exams o.l.v.
13.00 - 14.00 Braat sensei
14.00 - 14.45 Makko Ho Lawrence Warry
then clean mats
15.30 - 16.30 closing the bar with tasty coffee and cake