Some Up and Coming Seminars in July and August 2009
1. 10th Anniversary Israeli Aikido Association (3rd ofJuly - 7th of July)

Shihan Fukakusa of Thailand.
Host: |
Start Time: | 03 July 2009 at 16:00 |
End Time: | 07 July 2009 at 22:00 |
Location: | Rehovot, Israel |
Street: | 3 Marshov St. |
Town/City: | Rehovot, Israel |
Phone: | 972523302386 |
Email: |
For more information, click here:
2. CABN Summer School Castricum, Holland (11th - 16th July).
Fujimaki Shihan, 7th dan Aikikai
Other Instructors:
Dr. Leisinger Sensei, 6th Dan Aikikai aikido
E. Ladavas Sensei, 5th dan Aikikai aikido
C. Kientz Sensei, 5th dan Aikikai aikido
A. Braat Sensei, 5th dan Aikikai aikido
Sports hall “De Bloemen”
De Bloemen 71, 1902 GT Castricum
More Information:
Information: Janny Paans, tel: +31786732229
3. Seminars of Aikikai Deutschland.
Pulheim (1 - 7 August)
Bad Kissingen (8 - 14 August)
For more information go to
4. Report Siberia (Marcel Reijers, 4th dan Aikikai)
On queen's day, april 30th 2009 the 5 days trip started to the city of Irkutsk in Siberia. Already a decade the Aikidokas there were visited by Fujita Sensei, Bacas Sensei and Ladavas Sensei. Now for the first time, I visited this city. It was my first time here. Two earlier visits went to Barnaul (in 2008). Bator San waited for me on arrival and immediately we went to the hotel, where I could only stay for 2 hours, as because of the time difference, it was already morning. Very tired I started the 3 days courses which emphasized on Fujita Sensei teachings. All participants (more than 100) worked very hard and trained for more than 6-8 hours a day. Also a large children's group practiced in the afternoon.
A city trip in to Irkutsk and a trip to lake Baikal made the stay even more pleasant. Between courses we ate in different kind of restaurants, as Irkutsk lies in between different nations.
The positive athmosphere, the hard training, the grateful students , the hospitality all made sure the my stay was a very pleasant one. On may 4th I returned to Holland, tired but satisfied after a successfull trip.
For all images of this event, click here:
5. Quaterly News Announcement
This month (July) will see the publication of the 2nd quaterly of
the ouraikidworld newsletter.